Easiest Ways To Remove Negative Thoughts From Your Mind

Nabeel Ahmed
3 min readJan 30, 2021

It is so very easy to let our minds wander when we are living with negative thoughts. Even when we are in a very positive place our minds will often go into a state of complaining and negative thinking. However, it is possible to redirect our minds to more constructive ways of viewing life. There are plenty of things that can be done to improve our mood and bring an end to negative thoughts.

Here are seven different ways to remove negative thoughts from your life.

Speak Back — When you tell someone something they tend to listen more closely to what you have to say. If you are having a negative thought, tell them to quiet down. Then, calmly say “I don’t think that’s true.” After making your point, you can continue to speak. If the other person doesn’t agree with you, then they can respond in kind.

Read it Out — Reading something negatively is a good way of ridding yourself of negative thoughts. Take a book on writing or even a magazine and read it through. You will be amazed at the many positive messages you will find. When you finish reading the material, you should be able to draw your own conclusion. However, if you find the message too negative you should read something else. After all, the mind only has so much energy to work with.

Breathe it Out — Another great way to rid your mind of negative thoughts is to consciously breathe in and out. This will allow you to become aware of any tensions you may be having throughout the day. By being aware of these tensions you will be better prepared to deal with them when they arise. To do this, you need to either count to ten or begin some sort of breathing exercises such as Yoga or Pilates.

Visualize — For some people, visualizing things can be a great way of dealing with negative thoughts because it helps them put their negative thoughts into a different perspective. For example, if you are thinking that you will never be rich, you might visualize yourself rich in your mind. By changing your perspective about what is possible you can change your behaviors to match your new view.

Talk to Yourself — Another great way of dealing with negative thoughts is by talking yourself out of them. The goal here is not to change your reality, but to replace it with a more positive way of thinking. One way of doing this is to think positive words. These words should be things like “I am perfectly happy”, “I have tons of friends” or anything else that reinforces the idea that you are in control of your emotions and life in general. When you are constantly reminded of these thoughts, you will find it easier to cope with stressful situations. Eventually, you will find that you don’t need to consciously remember your negative thought patterns because they are stuck in your subconscious.

Write it Out — Finally, if your negative thoughts just won’t go away you may want to write them down and keep them handy. You can do this at night before you go to bed or anywhere else that you can comfortably write. When you think about negative things you often close your eyes and focus on them, so writing them down or even reading them from a piece of paper can help you remove them from your mind. Also, if you have a lot of them then you may want to buy yourself some cards and write positive statements on them. This can also be very effective if you write them out on a card and then put it in front of your mirror so you can see them every day.

If these methods aren’t working for you then there are other ways to remove negative thoughts from your mind. These include hypnosis and self-hypnosis. The former is quite expensive but it can work, whereas the latter doesn’t. However, if it doesn’t work for you then at least try these three methods and find out which one works best for you.



Nabeel Ahmed

Nabeel here’s Love to write to inspire my Readers